Foods that increase sperm volume

There are a number of different foods that may offer you some benefits when it comes to increasing sperm volume. We will discuss a few of the more famous ones here. The first example is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate includes L-Arginine.
Another example of a food that can help is oysters. Oysters are rich in Zinc, a natural, essential mineral that helps improve sperm production. Bananas have to be included as well. They are not only rich sources of vitamin B, they are also rich in an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme is supposed to function as a libido stimulant.
One final example is eggs, which are rich in vitamin E and protein. These can help with the production of strong, healthy sperm in the testicles. Coincidentally, eggs are also believed to protect from free radicals. This could mean that your sperm cells are safer with a healthy diet of eggs.
The problem with most of these foods is that the intake of good vitamins and minerals is so limited that you really do not see any benefits. While these foods are good in theory, you would need to take in tremendous amounts in order to see an actual difference.